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ContourLift (A True Deep Plane Facelift)

in Mission Viejo, Orange County

A Natural-Looking Deep Plane FaceliftWithout The Pulled Look

While surgical facelift is still one of the most popular types of cosmetic procedures, ContourLift, developed by Dr. Bolourian approaches the face, forehead, and neck in a deep plane to address aging where it occurs. ContourLift is a common sense approach to restore and naturally reveal one's youthful look without the telltale signs of a facelift.

ContourLift at Orange County Surgical Specialists

Facial rejuvenation is a complex art. Mission Viejo plastic surgeon Dr. Reza Bolourian has been at the forefront of providing natural-looking, youthful results. Dr. Bolourian is passionate about taking a comprehensive approach to surgical facial rejuvenation. With the ContourLift, he can achieve results that address the upper, mid, and lower face, and neck for a comprehensive (yet natural-looking) transformation. Many clients request to have a neck lift. Although a neck lift is a great procedure to correct and treat saggy necks, we believe a neck lift alone will not address the entire aging process and does not necessarily make one look younger. That is the basis of why we are so passionate about ContourLift, a comprehensive deep plane face and neck lift.

What is a ContourLift?

The ContourLift, designed by Dr. Bolourian after years of research and experience, uses a composite technique to lift the skin and underlying facial fascia or the SMAS to revitalize the entire face. The key secret to the effectiveness of the ContourLift is to release the tissue that tethers the facial structures and reposition it for tension-free closures, which means there is incredibly minimal to absolutely no scarring.

A composite technique means lifting the skin and the underlying SMAS tissue together in one unit, further releasing the ligaments tethering the aging tissues down, and lifting them in a vertical vector, opposite the aging process. This highly advanced deep-plane approach is carried throughout the entire face and neck to provide natural and long-lasting results.

The Four Principles of the ContourLift

Deep Plane Composite Facelift

As an integral part of ContourLift, a composite deep plane facelift offered by Dr. Bolourian in Mission Viejo, CA, targets the cheeks or the mid-face and the lower face, specifically the jowls. Dr. Bolourian’s composite deep plane facelift involves very well designed and hidden incisions within the natural creases, then lifts and vertically repositions the deeper tissues called the SMAS layer. By creating a composite flap the entire face is elevated, repositioned, and rejuvenated permanently without leaving big scars since the composite deep plane facelift is designed to avoid any tension on the skin.

Deep Plane Neck Lift

Correcting aging in the neck can be challenging, and it is crucial to work with an expert in facial plastic surgery. The days where surgeons take a chunk of the superficial neck muscle also known as the platysma muscle and simply sew the edges together are long gone. The advanced deep neck lift provides long-lasting results by addressing the underlying structures (muscles, fat, and glands).

Oftentimes the fat under the platysma muscle is in excess or a thin muscle called the digastric needs to be reshaped and trimmed. There is also the submandibular gland that falls below the jawlines contributing to the aging neck. The deep plane neck lift will address all the aging structures and create a rejuvenated neck that lasts for years.

The deep neck lift is part of the ContourLift and it is offered at our practice in Mission Viejo, CA.

Deep Plane Endoscopic Temporal Lift

Just as the face and neck age, the upper face and corners of the eyes droop and give the appearance of a sad look. The powerful deep-plane endoscopic temporal lift is a minimally invasive procedure that creates a subtle and natural lifting effect on the temples and corners of the eyes. This procedure is performed with the aid of a camera and tiny incisions in the hairline.

This procedure is an essential part of the ContourLift to achieve the well-balanced and natural results you should expect from an experienced surgeon.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Part of the ContourLift is addressing the surface-level skin issues that our practice believes are crucial for achieving age-defying results alongside deeper tissue and muscle improvement. Dr. Bolourian’s Mission Viejo plastic surgery practice believes that addressing the skin wrinkles, age spots, and uneven skin tone is as important as correcting the underlying aging tissues. Therefore we offer the state-of-the-art Sciton Erbium for laser resurfacing that improves uneven skin tone and texture, hyperpigmentation, and fine lines.

ContourLift Benefits

Those seeking a deep plane composite facelift in Mission Viejo, CA, can greatly benefit from the unique ContourLift and enjoy:

  • Comprehensive rejuvenation of the full face and neck
  • Fewer wrinkles, lines, and deep creases
  • Tighter skin throughout the upper face, mid-face, jawline, and neck
  • More even skin tone and texture
ContourLift Orange County  Rancho Santa Margarita

ContourLift Candidates

Good candidates for the ContourLift are adults aged 40 to around 80 who would like to address signs of aging, such as wrinkles, sagging skin, and uneven skin tone. Since this is a surgical procedure, candidates should be in overall good health and free from serious conditions that could prevent an ideal healing process. Your in-depth consultation with Dr. Bolourian will provide you with a great understanding of the procedure and its benefits.

Consultation and Preparation

Whether your consultation is in person or via Zoom, Dr. Bolourian will examine your skin, talk with you about your aesthetic goals, and provide an expertly crafted treatment plan. You will have plenty of opportunities to ask any questions or concerns about your procedure. Dr. Bolourian is very open about providing you with his honest and sincere opinion about a procedure you elect to have. He takes your safety and health very seriously and you can be sure you will receive the best advice when it comes to having surgery on your face. Preparing for this procedure may include lab work or medication adjustments prior to your surgery day to prepare your body for surgery.


The ContourLift is typically performed under twilight sedation but can also be safely performed under deep sedation or general anesthesia. The procedure begins with making very small incisions hidden within the hairline to lift the temporal and upper parts of the cheeks and corners of the eyes. A deep neck lift is then addressed by tightening the muscles, eliminating the laxity and neck bands. The extended, composite deep plane facelift is then performed to erase the jowls and deep laugh lines.

Aftercare, Recovery, and Results

Most patients will see some bruising and swelling for one to two weeks and may experience some changes in sensation that will return to normal after two to three months. Many return to work after two to three weeks, but rigorous activity and exercise should wait for about one month. Because of the effectiveness of the technique, results with the ContourLift often last for 10 to 15 years.

ContourLift Frequently Asked Questions

In order to answer this question, the reader must understand the aging face and how it is rejuvenated without the telltale signs of a facelift. Aging does not only occur in our neck or jowls. Upper face, mid-face, jowls, and neck show signs of aging as we grow older. The Contourlift addresses all the structures from the hairline to the shoulders in a systematic, common sense method. Many facelifts only address the neck and jowls, some address the jowls only. The ContourLift is a comprehensive approach to simply bring back your youthful self without the pulled, unnatural look other facelift techniques may create.

In addition to addressing the entire face and neck, the ContourLift also addresses the skin. After all, if the skin has imperfections, it would take away from the results of a deep plane facelift. In Mission Viejo, CA, Dr. Bolourian offers Sciton Erbium laser treatment with every deep plane Contourlift facelift performed. The advantage of the Sciton Erbium laser is that it provides not only better results than CO2 laser, but the recovery is significantly shorter. We encourage you to read about Sciton laser technology on our website.

Yes, ContourLift is a composite deep-plane full facelift. A composite facelift means the skin and the SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic system) layers are lifted in one unit, the ligaments tethering the face and neck are released, and the structures responsible for aging are repositioned vertically without tension, creating a natural youthful look.

We have many patients in their mid to late 30s with early signs of aging who are good candidates for ContourLift surgery. Most patients are in their 40s through 80s. Many people think if you are younger, there is no need to perform a deep plane facelift. In fact, a deep plane facelift at a younger age (40s-early 50s) works very well and the longevity of the surgery carries on as a person transitions into older age.

Yes, oftentimes, facial fat grafting is performed in conjunction with ContourLift surgery. The purpose of facial fat grafting is not to simply fill the face with fat, but it is to augment areas that have been deflated due to aging or hereditary deficiencies. Dr. Bolourian will never overfill one's face to cause unnatural results. Other procedures to consider in conjunction with Contourlift are lip lift, upper and lower eyelids blepharoplasty, earlobe rejuvenation, rhinoplasty, otoplasty, laser skin resurfacing, and other adjuncts to complement the results of the ContourLift.

Many studies have shown that any facelift surgery may pose a risk of nerve damage. In experienced hands, motor nerve damage is rare, and deep plane facelifts including the Contourlift do not pose more risks than traditional SMAS facelifts.

Dr. Bolourian has been performing Facelift surgery for over 22 years with over 4000 facelifts under his belt. He created and perfected the ContourLift over 8 years ago and has performed over 1200 Contourlift surgeries.

In general, recovery after a ContourLift lasts about one to two weeks. The face will go through subtle changes over a few months, but you will be able to resume your normal social activities two weeks after ContourLift.

This question is often asked and the answer is forever. Yes, Forever! When one performs a deep plane face and neck lift, the results are permanent. That does not mean we don’t age, we do! But the expected results are a more youthful look for 10, 15, or 20 years after Contourlift. That does not mean that you will not or should not have another facelift, but you will naturally look better and younger than your actual age.

Although pain perception varies from person to person, most of our patients take prescription medications for one or two days, then they switch to regular Tylenol for another three to four days. Generally, facelift surgery is not a painful procedure.

We have had many patients who lost up to 45 lbs after their ContourLift surgery with no negative impact on the ContourLift results. Therefore, we can confidently advise our patients that it is safe to lose weight after the ContourLift.

The ContourLift is tailored to each individual. The cost of a ContourLift varies depending on the patient’s specific needs and the scope of the procedure. The price for the ContourLift ranges from mid $30,000 to mid $40,000.

We own our accredited surgery center and all of our surgeries are performed in our accredited, fully equipped facility in Mission Viejo, CA. Our Anesthesiologists are board-certified with at least ten years of experience in performing outpatient anesthesia. Dr. Bolourian has full privileges at MemorialCare Hospital.

We have worked tirelessly to create a safe and comfortable environment for our patients and our Operating Room is held to the same standards as hospital operating facilities.

After your surgery, you recover in our comfortable recovery room under the care of Dr. Bolourian along with our registered nurse. Once you have fully recovered from anesthesia, you will have the option to go home if you are local or you will go to one of our aftercare facilities for a day or two. Details will be discussed with you at the time when you schedule your surgery or at your consultation visit.

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Our goal is to improve your quality of life by giving you the power to be your best self. We work tirelessly to provide the safest and most state-of-the-art care. You deserve to look and feel your best every day. We can help you enhance your unique appeal to give you a boost of confidence and pride in your appearance. We believe that when you look and feel your best, it shows in every area of your life. Dr. Bolourian and the team at Orange County Surgical Specialists are on hand to help you understand your options and craft results that make you shine from the inside out. Schedule your consultation today.

29829 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 300
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

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